"Nakhchivan Marathon" 2022
“Nakhchivan Marathon – 2022” was held in honour of the 99th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev with the joint organization of the New Azerbaijan Party Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Branch and the Youth Foundation of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and sponsorship by “Naxtel” Limited Liability Company. The marathon attended by 2000 young people started at 11:00 AM in front of the Olympic Sports Complex named after Ilham Aliyev and finished near the Uzunoba Lake. Civil workers, servicemen, cultural and artistic figures, athletes, Paralympians, and members of the public participated in the marathon. The tournament was also attended by representatives from more than 60 organizations and businesses in the autonomous republic. We would like to mention that the marathon covered the route starting from Olympic Sports Complex to Khatai Quarter, then passing through Shikhmahmud and Khalili villages and across the Botanical garden up to the Uzunoba Lake. The marathon party was organized at the finish line where the fans gathered. Here special programs were presented for the participants. Afterwards, diplomas and cash prizes were presented to the winners. Valuable gifts from “Naxtel” LLC and “Badamli” companies were presented to the people who came fourth-tenth in the competition for each of the men and women categories. We should mention that the “Nakhchivan marathon – 2022” was supported by hundreds of young volunteers.